Every now and then, you hear a piece of news that makes you say, “Wow, I could have never seen this coming

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Every now and then, you hear a piece of news that makes you say, “Wow, I could have never seen this coming.” This is one of those moments. Brace yourself, world, as we bring to you the latest phenomena: super seniors.

Seniors, the fabulous folks aged 65 and above, have taken the world by storm with their unimagined feats. They have not only broken records but have also shattered the stereotypes around aging – and quite possibly, secured their spot in the world of Guinness Book of World Records.

Be it running marathons, bodybuilding, or even breaking boards with their bare hands, the super seniors have proved that age is just a number. So, let’s take a look at five times that these elderly folks proved that they are not to be taken lightly.

First on our list is Ed Whitlock, who, at the ripe age of 85, ran a full marathon in just under four hours – a record that still stands today. When asked about his secret to success, Whitlock simply stated that he runs every day for three hours, even going as far as to say that it’s “rather boring.” Well, Ed, we certainly aren’t bored by your incredible feat.

Next up, we have the bodybuilding duo, Ernestine Shepherd and Willie Murphy. At 84 and 73, respectively, these super seniors have sculpted their bodies into marvels to behold. Shepherd, nicknamed “Miss Ernie,” started bodybuilding at the tender age of 71 and has since gone on to win numerous titles. Murphy, on the other hand, can lift twice her weight, and hers is not a figure of speech. Who needs the gym when you have these two around?

But, wait, there’s more! If your hands are tired from clapping for our first two super seniors, get them ready again for the next two. Tao Porchon-Lynch, at an incredible 101 years, has achieved the title of the world’s oldest yoga teacher. Having started practicing yoga at the age of eight, Ms. Lynch has gone on to teach and inspire thousands around the world. Is there anything this woman can’t do?

Last but not least, we have Dr. Charles Eugster, a man who has become synonymous with the word “super senior.” The retired dentist turned bodybuilder began his fitness journey at the ripe age of 87 and never looked back. In the years that followed, Dr. Eugster broke world records in indoor rowing, sprinting, and long jump, all while still practicing as a dentist. How’s that for a post-retirement plan?

So, what have we learned from these super seniors? The answer is simple: nothing is impossible. These elderly folks have proved that age is just a number, and if you’re disciplined enough, you can achieve anything you set your heart on – even if it’s breaking a world record.

In conclusion, we can safely say that the world has been graced with some awe-inspiring super seniors. From marathon runners to yoga teachers, these individuals have never let their age hold them back and have instead used their experience to achieve incredible feats. We can only hope to be half as cool as they are when we reach their age.

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