Indianapolis, IN – In a shocking turn of events, the infamous Momo the monkey has been safely captured after terrorizing the city for weeks

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Indianapolis, IN – In a shocking turn of events, the infamous Momo the monkey has been safely captured after terrorizing the city for weeks. The rogue primate had been causing mayhem in Indianapolis, stealing from stores and scaring local residents.

The daring capture was carried out by a team of highly trained professionals, who risked life and limb to apprehend the feisty little troublemaker. After weeks of intense planning and surveillance, the team was finally able to corner Momo in a downtown alleyway.

Eyewitnesses describe the scene as tense and nerve-wracking, with Momo screeching and flinging objects in a desperate attempt to escape. But the team remained steadfast, employing an array of state-of-the-art gadgets and techniques to subdue the elusive monkey.

Once safely contained, Momo was taken to a local animal sanctuary where he will undergo a thorough evaluation to determine his temperament and health. Many are hopeful that he can be rehabilitated and released back into the wild, where he can wreak havoc on a much larger scale.

The citizens of Indianapolis are breathing a collective sigh of relief, now that the scourge of Momo has finally been eradicated. “I can sleep easy now, knowing that Momo is off the streets,” said one resident. “It’s been a nightmare, I tell you. Absolutely terrifying.”

While some are rejoicing in Momo’s capture, others are outraged at the manner in which it was carried out. Animal rights activists have criticized the team for using excessive force and risking harm to innocent bystanders.

“It’s a sad day when we have to resort to violence to deal with a wild animal,” said one protestor. “Momo deserved better than this. He deserved to be treated with kindness and respect.”

Despite the criticism, the team stands by their actions, citing the safety of the public and Momo himself as their top priority. “We did what we had to do,” said one member. “And we’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

For now, Momo remains in captivity, a prisoner of his own destructive instincts. But who knows what the future holds? Perhaps someday, he will be able to break free and wreak havoc once again.

Until then, the citizens of Indianapolis can rest easy knowing that their streets are safe from the menace of Momo. Or at least, until the next wild animal decides to take up residence in their fair city.

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