Indian Teen Builds Incredible Structures from Playing Cards in Only 41 Days, Breaking Guinness World Record

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Indian Teen Builds Incredible Structures from Playing Cards in Only 41 Days, Breaking Guinness World Record.

With all the craziness in the world right now, it’s refreshing to hear about a young man who’s putting his time to good use. Meet 15-year-old Sourabh Karmakar from Kolkata, India, who recently spent a whopping 41 days creating replicas of four famous buildings in his city – entirely out of playing cards. Yes, you read that right. Playing cards. We’re impressed, but also a little concerned about what’s happening to our youth.

According to Guinness World Records, Sourabh’s impressive creations included the iconic Howrah Bridge, the Victoria Memorial Hall, the Park Street Cemetery, and the Science City. Each structure took the young prodigy around 10 days to complete, which is impressive considering most 15-year olds spend that amount of time playing video games or scrolling through TikTok.

Sourabh’s passion for building with playing cards started when he was just 12. He says his design inspiration comes from the internet, which these days is the ultimate source for all inspiration (and misinformation). At first, he started with small card houses but as his confidence grew, so did his structures – culminating in this latest world-breaking attempt.

When asked about his incredible feat, Sourabh revealed that he used a staggering 23,987 playing cards to complete the four buildings. Many of those decks were generously donated by his friends and family, which makes us wonder why nobody put that kind of effort into anything useful like feeding the hungry or planting trees. Just kidding, let’s give the kid a break – he did just break a world record after all.

But let’s be real, building something like this doesn’t come without complications. Sourabh revealed that the biggest challenge was trying to keep the structures from collapsing. In his own words, “A split second of carelessness and the entire structure would collapse, meaning I’d have to start building from scratch.” Well, isn’t that just heartwarming? It’s good to see that our youth are taking on challenges that prepare them for a lifetime of stress and anxiety. Who needs a childhood when you can build things from playing cards?

So, hats off to you, Sourabh Karmakar, for your amazing achievement. We’re betting that this is just the first step in a glittering career that could lead to even greater things. Or he could just become a professional gambler, using his skills with a deck of cards to win big on casino tables across the world. The sky is the limit, kid. Just don’t forget to get some fresh air and sunlight every once in a while.

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