Centenarians around the world, watch out – there’s a new record-breaker in town! At 104 years old, a skydiver from Australia may have become the world’s oldest daredevil, according to reports

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Centenarians around the world, watch out – there’s a new record-breaker in town! At 104 years old, a skydiver from Australia may have become the world’s oldest daredevil, according to reports.

The sprightly senior citizen, named Irene O’Shea, bravely leapt out of a plane at 14,000 feet, all in the name of charity. And who wouldn’t want to donate to a good cause after witnessing such a thrilling feat?

But let’s be real – skydiving in your hundreds is hardly a comfortable thought. After all, the average centenarian isn’t exactly out there performing adrenaline-pumping stunts on a daily basis. So what was Irene’s motivation?

Well, it turns out that this wasn’t her first jaunt into the skies. In fact, Irene is something of a pro when it comes to jumping out of planes. Her first skydive was when she turned 100, and she’s been hooked ever since. Talk about a midlife crisis!

And while Irene is certainly an inspiration to anyone who thinks they’re too old for adventure, we have to wonder – what comes next? Will she be taking up bungee jumping? Base jumping? Or perhaps even astronaut training?

Jokes aside, we have to admit that this is a seriously impressive achievement. It’s not every day that you hear about someone celebrating their 104th birthday by hurtling towards the ground at breakneck speed.

And what’s more, Irene did this all for a very good cause. She was raising money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association of South Australia, a charity close to her heart after she lost her daughter to the disease.

So not only is Irene a daring senior citizen, she’s also a philanthropist. Perhaps she’ll be receiving a Nobel Prize in the near future for her services to both adrenaline junkies and charity.

But let’s clear one thing up – just because Irene is an extraordinary human being, doesn’t mean that all of us should be taking up extreme sports in our twilight years. For the majority of us, a good game of bingo or a leisurely walk in the park is probably enough excitement.

So while we applaud Irene’s bravery and charitable spirit, let’s not forget that she is the exception, not the rule. And if you’re thinking about skydiving yourself, maybe check with your doctor first. After all, breaking the world record for the oldest skydiver isn’t worth risking your health for…or is it?

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