Michigan Lighthouse Offers Free Stay in Exchange for Potential Drowning In a unique and highly unorthodox contest, the caretakers of the historic Michigan lighthouse are willing to grant visitors a free stay at the landmark, with one minor caveat: they have to risk their lives by throwing messages in bottles into the Great Lakes

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Michigan Lighthouse Offers Free Stay in Exchange for Potential Drowning

In a unique and highly unorthodox contest, the caretakers of the historic Michigan lighthouse are willing to grant visitors a free stay at the landmark, with one minor caveat: they have to risk their lives by throwing messages in bottles into the Great Lakes.

Yes, you read that right – the organizers of this contest are asking for people to literally risk drowning for a chance to win a comfortable stay at the lighthouse. The idea of slipping a message into a bottle and watching it drift off into the ocean is certainly romantic, but not when you’re standing at the edge of a freshwater lake and there’s a good chance your bottle will be swallowed by the violent waves.

Despite the obvious dangers at play, the caretakers of the lighthouse are standing firm on their decision, insisting that the risk of drowning is a small price to pay for access to such a historic building. “We understand that some people might be hesitant to participate,” says one caretaker, “but we’re confident that the allure of the lighthouse will be enough to coax people into taking the plunge.”

And what do you get in return for risking your life in this contest? A free night’s stay at the Michigan lighthouse, complete with a cozy bed, a view of the Great Lakes, and the soothing sound of the waves lapping at the shore. Nevermind that you could have died trying to throw that bottle into the water – think of how comfortable you’ll be in that bed once you’ve dried off.

As for the messages themselves, the caretakers insist that they’re not after anything particularly profound or awe-inspiring. “We’re just looking for some nice thoughts, something that captures the essence of the Great Lakes,” says one caretaker. “It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece – just as long as it’s legible and not covered in fish guts.”

Of course, the question on everyone’s mind is – why? Why would anyone think it’s a good idea to ask people to risk their lives for a chance to stay at a lighthouse? It’s not like it’s the last lighthouse on Earth – there are plenty of other historic buildings that don’t require you to fling objects into the water to be able to stay there.

One theory is that the caretakers are secretly hoping to weed out the faint of heart from those who are truly committed to experiencing the lighthouse. If you’re not willing to throw a bottle into the Great Lakes, perhaps you’re not really the kind of person who deserves a stay at such a historic building.

Whatever the true motivation behind this contest, it’s clear that the caretakers of the Michigan lighthouse are committed to seeing it through. Whether anyone will actually muster up the courage to participate is another matter entirely – but for those who do, there’s a cozy bed waiting for you on the other side. Just try not to think too hard about the fact that you almost drowned to get there.

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