Wisconsin Meat Company Becomes the New Leader in Meat Stick Extravaganza Leave it to the cheese-loving state of Wisconsin to come up with the most amazing way to celebrate a meat company’s 75th anniversary

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Wisconsin Meat Company Becomes the New Leader in Meat Stick Extravaganza

Leave it to the cheese-loving state of Wisconsin to come up with the most amazing way to celebrate a meat company’s 75th anniversary. Forget the boring cake and balloons, Klement’s Sausage Company created something truly epic: the world’s longest meat stick, measuring a whopping 314 feet long.

Not only did they break the world record, but the meat stick was also made entirely out of beef and pork, because obviously 314 feet of beef and pork is exactly what we all need in our lives right now. The event was held in Milwaukee and was attended by hundreds of people, most of whom were probably in a meat-induced coma.

“Who needs a boring cake when you can have a 314-foot-long meat stick?” said Klement’s Sales and Marketing Manager, Hutch Holton. To be honest, it’s hard to argue with that kind of logic.

The meat stick was displayed on a giant platter and cut into manageable pieces for attendees to indulge in. It was even long enough to stretch across a football field, which to be fair, would make for a pretty interesting halftime show.

The company’s CEO, Tom Danneker, was understandably proud of the feat. “Our founders would be so proud that we’ve made it this far and that we’re still innovating and making great products,” he said. Yes, because nothing says innovation like creating an elongated version of a snack that’s been around for centuries.

The record-breaking meat stick weighed over 250 pounds and took eight hours to cook, because, you know, cooking a normal-sized meat stick just isn’t challenging enough. The company describes the meat stick as having a “smoky flavor with a hint of spice,” but in reality, it’s more like a mouthful of salt and cholesterol.

Of course, the creation of the world’s longest meat stick didn’t come without its challenges. The company had to use a custom-built oven and had to find a way to transport the massive meat stick from the oven to the giant platter without it breaking.

But in the end, it was all worth it. The company now holds the Guinness World Record for the longest meat stick, which honestly, is probably the most prestigious award they’ll ever receive.

So, if you’re ever in Wisconsin and find yourself craving more meat than your body can handle, head on over to Klement’s Sausage Company and demand to be served the world’s longest meat stick. Just don’t forget to bring your cholesterol medication.

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