Moggy the cat has become somewhat of a celebrity in the insurance world after winning the prestigious Hambone Award for her owners’ unusual claim

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Moggy the cat has become somewhat of a celebrity in the insurance world after winning the prestigious Hambone Award for her owners’ unusual claim. The claim in question involved Moggy becoming stuck in a sofa bed after it was accidentally folded up with her inside. The incident has left insurance experts purring with excitement and cat lovers a-wwwwing with glee.

The Hambone Award, named after a dog who once ate an entire Thanksgiving ham while stuck in a refrigerator, is presented annually by the insurance company Veterinary Pet Insurance to the most unusual pet insurance claim they receive. In a year that has seen claims for everything from fish swallowing to snake bites, Moggy’s hi-jinx stood out as the clear frontrunner.

When asked about the incident, Moggy remained tight-lipped, or at least as tight-lipped as a cat can be. Her owners, however, were much more forthcoming. “We couldn’t believe it when we heard her meowing from inside the sofa bed,” they said. “It wasn’t until we folded it out that we realized she was inside. We’re just glad she’s OK and that we had pet insurance to cover the unexpected costs.”

The incident has sparked a wave of interest in cat insurance, with pet owners across the country rushing to insure their feline friends against the perils of sofa beds, armchairs, and other household furniture. “It’s amazing how many people don’t realize that pet insurance is a thing,” said an insurance expert. “We’re hoping that Moggy’s story will encourage more people to insure their pets and protect them from unexpected costs.”

As for Moggy, she’s taking her award and newfound fame in her stride. She’s reportedly spending her days lounging on the sofa (but not in the bed) and lapping up the attention from her adoring fans. “It’s not every day you get to be an award-winning cat,” her owners said. “We’re just glad she’s happy and healthy, and that we have insurance to cover any future cat-related mishaps.”

So there you have it, folks – the heartwarming tale of Moggy the sofa-bed cat, and how she became an unlikely hero in the world of pet insurance. Who knows what other unusual claims will come out on top in next year’s Hambone Award? One thing’s for sure, though – Moggy won’t be forgetting her time in the spotlight anytime soon.

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