In a shocking turn of events, a bear with a taste for fruity alcoholic beverages has struck again

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In a shocking turn of events, a bear with a taste for fruity alcoholic beverages has struck again. This time, however, the victim was not a hapless homeowner in the woods, but a suburban family with a fancy fridge.

According to eyewitness accounts, the bear, who has been dubbed the “White Claw Bandit” by some media outlets (not us, of course), was spotted on CCTV footage raiding the family’s fridge in the middle of the night. The family, who wished to remain anonymous, had apparently stocked their fridge with a variety of White Claw flavors in an attempt to appear trendy and hip. Little did they know, their choice of beverage would make them the target of a ruthless bear.

“It’s just ridiculous,” said the head of the household in an interview. “We thought we were being cool by buying White Claw, but now we have a bear stealing our drinks. What’s next? A raccoon stealing our La Croix?”

The incident has caused a stir in the suburban community, with many residents now fearful of the bear’s next move. Some have even taken to social media to voice their concerns, with one user tweeting, “This bear needs to be stopped before it starts stealing our kombucha.”

Despite the seriousness of the situation, some residents have found humor in the bizarre situation. “I mean, can you blame the bear?” joked one resident. “White Claw is so hot right now.”

Animal experts are baffled by the bear’s persistent targeting of White Claw, a drink that contains no actual fruit or berries. “It’s possible that the bear is attracted to the colorful cans or the artificial flavors,” said one wildlife biologist. “But frankly, it just doesn’t make sense.”

In response to the incident, the family has decided to switch to a less trendy beverage. “We’re going back to Bud Light,” said the head of the household. “We might not be as cool, but at least we won’t have to worry about bears stealing our drinks.”

As for the bear, authorities are still on the lookout. “We’re doing everything we can to catch this bear,” said a spokesperson for the local police department. “But let’s be real, it’s probably already moved on to some other trendy beverage by now.”

For now, the suburban community can do little but wait and hope that the White Claw Bandit does not strike again. In the meantime, residents are advised to secure their fridges and stock up on less desirable drinks. After all, who knows what the next trend-hungry animal will target next?

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