Crazed Phillies fan barred from stadium; Emotional Support Alligator in tow!
In what has to be the wildest story of the baseball season thus far, a diehard Phillies fan was denied entry into Citizens Bank Park yesterday afternoon because he was accompanied by his highly emotional support alligator.
Sources close to the scene report that the fan had waited breathlessly for weeks to catch the game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Pittsburgh Pirates. He had made special arrangements with the stadium authorities to accommodate his alligator, but the authorities, who had been forewarned of the fan’s peculiar needs, seemed to have changed their minds at the last minute.
“I was turning to go back to my car and he said, ‘Hold on! Stop! You can’t enter the premises with that.’ And I said, ‘What?’ And he said, ‘The alligator,'” the fan told reporters outside the stadium.
The fan, visibly emotional, spoke for a few seconds about his alligator, who he claimed was “not just a pet but a highly trained emotional support animal.” He explained that the animal provided him infinite emotional comfort, reminding him of his wife who passed away from cancer a few years ago.
“I’ve been through a lot of stress and trauma in my life, and that’s why I’ve had the alligator at my side for the past two years. He helps me deal with stress in a way that no human being can,” he said, adding that he could not watch a baseball game without his loyal companion.
The report indicates that at this point the man had become uncontrollably emotional and had started to sob while holding onto his alligator.
The stadium authorities, however, were unmoved by the man’s emotional reminiscing and his tearful pleas. The ban on live animals, except for service dogs, is stated in the stadium regulations, and the authorities maintained that they must abide by them.
This is just one example of how the world is constantly conspiring to make the lives of innocent emotional support alligators difficult. It is high time that the authorities show some compassion towards these animals and appreciate the emotional wellness they bring to their owners’ lives.
This emotional support animal episode shows us that having something like an alligator around is not as uncommon as people believe, and it’s highly disappointing that stadiums like Citizens Bank Park are not doing enough to accommodate the needs of these animals. The alligator, like any other creature, deserves to have its emotions taken into account.
It is high time that we as a species become more understanding and less judgmental when it comes to accommodating people who rely on emotional support animals. It’s a shame that this fan couldn’t watch his Phillie’s play just because of his support animal. Let’s hope that in the future, situations like this can be avoided, and fans can enjoy a fully supportive experience with their animals at their side.