Another day, another White Claw-stealing bear on the loose

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Another day, another White Claw-stealing bear on the loose. This time, however, it’s not just any bear – it’s the infamous three-legged bear from Florida that made headlines last year for its penchant for the popular hard seltzer.

Just when we thought we were safe from the furry thief, the bear has struck again. This time, it raided an unsuspecting family’s outdoor refrigerator and made off with a whole stash of White Claws.

The family, who wishes to remain anonymous, was shocked to discover that their precious alcoholic beverages had been pilfered by a bear. “We never thought this would happen to us,” said the homeowner. “We always thought those White Claw-stealing bear stories were just a myth.”

Well, think again folks, because this is no myth. This is real life, where bears apparently have a thing for White Claws.

The bear, who is missing a leg, was caught on camera sneaking up to the fridge and using its one good paw to pry open the door. After a few moments of browsing, the bear selected a pack of White Claw Mango and made a beeline for the hills.

According to wildlife experts, the bear’s White Claw obsession is not only unusual but also potentially dangerous. “Bears are not meant to consume alcohol,” warns Dr. Jane Doe, a bear expert at the local zoo. “It can be harmful and even fatal to them.”

Despite the potential risks, the bear seems determined to get its claws on more White Claws. Sources say that it has been spotted lurking around other homes in the area, searching for its next fix.

Local authorities are urging residents to take precautions to protect their outdoor fridges, including securing the doors and keeping the White Claws out of sight. “This bear has shown that it will stop at nothing to get its paws on some White Claws,” warns Sheriff John Smith. “We need to be vigilant and do everything we can to keep ourselves and our beverages safe.”

As for the White Claw company, they seem to be taking it all in stride. “We never expected our product to be a hit with bears,” says a spokesperson. “But hey, who are we to judge? Maybe the bear just knows a good thing when it tastes it.”

In the end, it seems that this witty White Claw-stealing bear has stolen the hearts of many with its daring antics. Who knows what it will do next? Perhaps it will move on to other alcoholic beverages, or maybe it will decide that it’s had enough and retire to a life of leisure in the forest.

Whatever happens, one thing is for sure – the legend of the White Claw-stealing bear will live on, capturing our imaginations and our thirst for adventure.

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