Shocking news from Atlanta, Georgia – a dog has been found after three whole weeks on the loose at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport! Yes, you read that right

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Shocking news from Atlanta, Georgia – a dog has been found after three whole weeks on the loose at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport! Yes, you read that right. THREE. WEEKS. This dog either had fantastic survival instincts or was really good at hiding from airport staff.

The runaway canine, identified as a six-year-old Pomeranian named Gremlin, escaped from his crate, possibly because he was too bored of his cramped quarters. And who can blame him? I mean, wouldn’t you feel the same if you were stuck in a tiny crate for hours on end with nothing to do but stare at your own fur?

Airport authorities launched a search party immediately to track down the fugitive furball, but of course, it took them THREE whole weeks to find him. Makes you wonder how efficient their search party really was, doesn’t it? Maybe they should’ve looked under the tables and chairs in the airport food court before giving up after a few days.

In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Gremlin’s owner, Tabatha Corbitt, expressed her gratitude for the airport staff and volunteers who had helped search for her dog. But let’s be real, if they were really any good, they would have found him in less than three weeks. “We’re blessed to have him back,” said Corbitt. And Gremlin is probably blessed to finally see daylight again after being stuck in an airport for what must’ve felt like an eternity.

It’s not clear how Gremlin managed to survive on his own for so long at the airport. Did he sneak into the Delta Sky Lounge and feast on some fancy hors d’oeuvres? Did he make friends with the airport security dogs and join them on their patrols? Did he learn how to operate the airport shuttle and take joyrides around the concourse? We may never know the truth.

In any case, after three weeks of freedom, Gremlin was finally captured by a trap set up in the airport’s south economy parking lot. The dog was reportedly in good spirits and unharmed, which is a relief for his owner and for the airport staff who had been worrying about him.

This is not the first time a dog has managed to outsmart airport security. In fact, it seems to happen more often than we’d like to admit. So next time you’re at an airport, keep an eye out for any furry fugitives. You never know where they might be hiding! And kudos to Gremlin for proving that even in the most boring of situations, there’s always a way to have an adventure. Welcome back, little guy!

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