Record-Breaking Bodybuilder Proves that Arm Day Is Not Just a Myth In what can only be described as a miraculous feat of strength, an Australian bodybuilder has successfully pulled a 44,753-pound hydraulic crane using only his upper body

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Record-Breaking Bodybuilder Proves that Arm Day Is Not Just a Myth

In what can only be described as a miraculous feat of strength, an Australian bodybuilder has successfully pulled a 44,753-pound hydraulic crane using only his upper body. Yes, you read that right. His upper body.

The previous record of 32,000 pounds, set by another bodybuilder in the United States, stood no chance against this antipodean powerhouse. In fact, the crane probably felt like a feather to him.

According to witnesses, the bodybuilder, whose name hasn’t been released (probably so as not to intimidate the rest of us mere mortals), grabbed onto the crane and began pulling with his arms. His bulging muscles rippled under the strain, but he didn’t even break a sweat. The crane slowly but surely inched forward, until it had traveled an impressive 16.4 feet.

But let’s take a moment to really appreciate what’s going on here. This man, who probably spends more time at the gym than most of us do at our day jobs, has managed to pull a machine that weighs as much as 40 cars using only his upper body strength. Meanwhile, the rest of us struggle to open a jar of pickles without calling for reinforcements.

It’s still unclear why this bodybuilder felt the need to pull a crane with his bare hands, but we can only assume it was to show off his power and dominance over the rest of us. It’s probably also safe to say that he won’t be having any trouble carrying his grocery bags inside or pushing his car when it stalls on the side of the road.

In response to this incredible feat, many on social media are expressing their awe and admiration for the bodybuilder, with some even suggesting that he’s actually a superhero in disguise. And who are we to argue with that? The ability to defy the laws of physics and human limitations is definitely a superhero quality in our book.

But let’s not forget that this achievement does come with a downside. This bodybuilder has effectively ruined arm day for everyone else at the gym. How are we supposed to feel good about lifting our puny 5-pound weights when this guy can pull a crane with ease? It’s almost as if he’s trying to make the rest of us feel bad about ourselves.

All joking aside, though, this bodybuilder’s incredible strength and determination should be admired. To push himself to such an extreme and achieve what many would consider impossible is truly inspiring. So, kudos to him and his upper body of steel. We can only hope that he uses his powers for good and doesn’t go around pulling city buses or lifting buildings anytime soon.

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