In a stunning turn of events, a group of goats have been caught in the act of chasing a jogger in the peaceful town of Ontario. The jogger, who wished to remain anonymous, reportedly feared for her life as the unruly band of goats stampeded towards her.
Thankfully, the goats were caught by animal control officers shortly after the incident and are now safe and sound in custody. The goats, who are believed to have escaped from a nearby farm, are said to have been spooked by the jogger and simply acted on their instincts.
While some may argue that the goats were simply enjoying a little bit of exercise, others are calling for stricter regulations on these free-roaming animals. There have been reports of goats charging at people and causing chaos in the past, and this latest incident has only added fuel to the fire.
In an exclusive interview with one local resident, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation from the goat community, they stated that “this is just the tip of the iceberg. These goats have been causing trouble for years and it’s about time something was done about it.”
However, not everyone is convinced that the goats are to blame. Some animal rights activists have condemned the capture, stating that the goats had every right to run free and explore their surroundings.
In a statement to the press, a spokesperson for the animal rights group “Free the Goats” stated that “these goats were simply enjoying their freedom and should not be punished for it. We call on the authorities to release them immediately and allow them to continue their journey of self-discovery.”
Despite the outrage from some quarters, it seems that the authorities are not budging on this issue. The goats will remain in custody until their owners can be found and they can be safely returned to their farm.
In the meantime, local residents are advised to be on the lookout for any rogue goats wandering the streets. It seems that these mischievous animals will stop at nothing in their quest for adventure.
So next time you’re out for a jog in Ontario, be sure to keep an eye out for any suspicious-looking goats. You never know when they might strike again.