Residents of a Pennsylvania town are being asked once again to keep an eye out for an elusive tortoise who seems to have a bit of a wanderlust

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Residents of a Pennsylvania town are being asked once again to keep an eye out for an elusive tortoise who seems to have a bit of a wanderlust. The bold escape artist has managed to break free from his confines at the local veterinary clinic three times now, much to the chagrin of his caretakers and the amusement of the town.

According to sources, the tortoise – who remains unnamed – has become something of a local celebrity, offering a welcome distraction from the monotony of small town life. With each daring escape, residents have come together to search high and low, urging their fellow townsfolk to keep an eye out for the slow-moving reptile.

“We’re not sure how he does it, honestly,” says veterinarian Dr. Jane Smith, who has cared for the tortoise since he was just a hatchling. “He’s not exactly sprinting out of here, if you catch my drift. But somehow he manages to evade our watchful eyes and make a break for it.”

The latest escape occurred earlier this week, when the tortoise reportedly slipped through an unsecured gate in the clinic’s outdoor enclosure. The staff on duty at the time were in the midst of a heated game of Go Fish when they noticed the empty pen, and quickly sprang into action.

“We knew right away what had happened,” says veterinary assistant Karen Thomas. “We’d been warned that he’d been eyeing the gate for a while now. We were hoping to catch him in the act, but I guess he outsmarted us this time.”

The clinic has since reached out to the community for help tracking down their AWOL patient, but locals appear to be taking the matter with a pinch of salt. Many have posted tongue-in-cheek memes and images on social media, poking fun at the realities of small town life.

Meanwhile, the tortoise himself remains at large, showing no signs of slowing down his gallivanting ways. His last sighting was reported near the town’s central park, where he was spotted munching on some fresh greens and enjoying the sunshine.

“He’s a real character, that one,” says town resident Mike Jones, who stumbled upon the wayward tortoise during his morning jog. “I don’t blame him for wanting to explore – this town doesn’t exactly offer a ton of excitement. But I hope they find him soon and bring him back to his home at the clinic.”

For now, the search for the town’s most famous runaway continues. Residents are advised to keep their eyes peeled for a slow-moving, shell-wearing critter who seems to have a bit of a wild streak. After all, you never know where he might turn up next.

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