Man, oh man! Do we have a new hero in the ink world or what? Brace yourself, folks, because this is one earth-shattering news that is going to rock your world

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Man, oh man! Do we have a new hero in the ink world or what? Brace yourself, folks, because this is one earth-shattering news that is going to rock your world. Hold onto your seat, get your popcorn ready and indulge in the exceptional news reporting that we’re about to bring to you.

A dad from Buffalo, New York, has set a new record for being the most obsessive parent in the world. Yes, you read that right! This dad who has a serious case of “my daughter is the center of my universe” syndrome has done the unthinkable. He has gone ahead and gotten not one, not two, not even fifty, but a whopping 667 tattoos of his daughter’s name.

Can you imagine the sheer madness of someone who decides to get that many tattoos? It’s almost like this dad was trying to break some sort of Guinness World Record. Well, newsflash, folks, he did! The previous record holder of this peculiar world record was a father who got 576 tattoos of his son’s name.

We’re pretty sure that the daughter of this man is beyond thrilled with his decision to make her his life’s work of art. Who wouldn’t be, right? It’s not every day that you get to see someone ink “Emily” on their skin 667 times! For all we know, this dad is just warming up and probably has plans to get more tattoos of her name in the future.

We are yet to get a clear answer from the dad as to why he chose such an extreme way of showing his love for his daughter. Maybe he is hoping to scare off any potential boyfriends by showing them the sheer number of times her name is inked on his body.

Or maybe, just maybe, he is hoping to get a free lifetime supply of tattoos from his favorite tattoo artist. One can only imagine the lengths someone would go to in order to keep such a steady customer happy.

While it’s one thing to love your child, the idea of getting hundreds of tattoos of her name is not something that most people would consider normal. It’s almost as if this dad is determined to ensure that his daughter’s name is forever etched in history (and on his skin).

We can only hope that he is also putting aside money in his daughter’s college fund, because with the kind of money he has spent on tattoos, there’s nothing left for her education.

In conclusion, all we can say is, congratulations to this father on setting a new world record. Your daughter will surely appreciate the effort you’ve put into making her name known, even if it’s a little overboard. We, on the other hand, will just sit here and watch in awe and wonder what other records he will break in the future.

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