Chicago Family’s “Totally Normal” Pet Wallaby Escapes, Asks Neighbors for Help In a totally normal turn of events, a Chicago family is pleading with the neighbors to assist in locating their pet wallaby

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Chicago Family’s “Totally Normal” Pet Wallaby Escapes, Asks Neighbors for Help

In a totally normal turn of events, a Chicago family is pleading with the neighbors to assist in locating their pet wallaby. Yes, you read that right – a wallaby, the beloved pet of suburban homeowners.

According to the family, the wallaby, whose name is reportedly Wally (because how else would you name a wallaby?), escaped from their backyard and has been on the loose for several hours. The family is distraught and worried about the well-being of their exotic creature, which they have described as “just like a regular pet, except it hops and eats leaves.”

When asked about how Wally might have escaped the confines of their suburban backyard, the family was quick to point the finger at their adorable children, stating that they must have unintentionally left the gate to the wallaby’s enclosure open. Of course, because what parent hasn’t accidentally left the giant gate to their wallaby’s enclosure open on occasion?

The family is now urging their fellow neighbors to be on the lookout for the delicate creature, who they say is likely roaming around the neighborhood in search of more leaves to munch on. They ask that anyone who spots the 2-foot-tall animal to please contact them immediately, and to refrain from attempting to catch or handle the wallaby themselves, as it could lead to both the animal and human getting injured.

Needless to say, the community is in a frenzy over the sudden appearance of Wally, who seems to be the talk of the town. Social media is buzzing with sightings, and residents are on high alert for any signs of the wallaby, who they say is “adorably cute” and “strangely out of place.”

But amidst the excitement, some residents are questioning the wisdom of keeping a wallaby as a pet in the first place, especially in a suburban area. “A wallaby? Really?” one frustrated neighbor was heard saying. “What’s next, an emu or kangaroo hopping around our lawns?”

Despite the criticism, the family remains hopeful that Wally will be found safe and sound, and that this unusual incident will serve as a valuable lesson to all pet owners – to never leave the gate to your wallaby’s enclosure open, even if your children beg you nonstop to play with their furry friend.

So keep your eyes peeled, suburbanites – you never know what kind of totally normal pet might be on the loose in your neighborhood.

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