Montana City – Power outages are a common problem during the winter season

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Montana City – Power outages are a common problem during the winter season. However, the power outages in Montana City for the last two days are not due to some technical glitches or natural calamities, but because of the tiny, squirrelly enemies residing in the city.

The city of Montana was shocked when they had power outages three times in just two days. It was later discovered that the reason behind the outages was due to the bushy-tailed creatures, whom many believe are secretly plotting against humans.

The first power outage occurred on Monday afternoon, when a group of squirrels decided to crawl into the electric supply box and start nibbling on the wires. It was later found out that the squirrels were part of a secret militant faction known as the “Rodent Revolutionary Army.” Yes, that’s right, even squirrels are looking for an overthrow of human civilization.

The second power outage happened on Tuesday, in an entirely different part of the city. It’s believed the squirrels detected a wayward nut and in an attempt to retrieve it, somehow fell into the electric lines. However, we have no way of checking the validity of this “official” story, as no squirrel has come forth to comment.

The third power outage had the citizens concerned, because, after a night of complete rest, the squirrels were back at it again, nibbling away at the electric wires. It’s not clear if the squirrels were just in a bad mood or if the power outages were part of their community service work.

Local electricians and city workers of Montana rolled up their sleeves and started the repairs as soon the power went off. The workers revealed that the power outage was huge, and they had never seen anything like it before. The damage was extensive and cost the city thousands of dollars.

In light of these power outages, the city has declared war on the squirrels and has hired radical hawk-eagles to keep the population under control. The hawks are being intensively trained to hunt down squirrels who are causing chaos to the electric supply of Montana City. Some members of the public, however, voiced their concerns, stating that this could lead to cannibalism among the squirrel population.

Locals are shocked and are becoming increasingly mistrustful of the fluffy creatures. Many locals, who once offered nuts to the squirrels, are now expressing their opinion on social media about wanting the squirrels deported or even sent to Guantanamo Bay. Banners with scribbled messages saying “Squirrels are terrorists” are being displayed along the city streets.

In conclusion, the residents of Montana City are spending their days in the dark, thanks to the relentless squirrel attacks. It’s an ongoing saga of squirrel sabotage and human powerlessness. Let us hope that Montana City will recover from this squirrel invasion, and we all can live our lives in light again.

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