Canadian man shows off his impressive appetite by consuming 135 Carolina reaper peppers in one sitting In what can only be described as a feat of gastronomic determination, a man from Canada has devoured a staggering 135 of the world’s hottest peppers, the Carolina reaper, in one go

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Canadian man shows off his impressive appetite by consuming 135 Carolina reaper peppers in one sitting

In what can only be described as a feat of gastronomic determination, a man from Canada has devoured a staggering 135 of the world’s hottest peppers, the Carolina reaper, in one go.

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous because he doesn’t want to be bombarded with sponsorship offers from hot sauce companies, said that this is just a regular Sunday afternoon snack for him.

“I saw all these viral videos of people eating a few of these peppers, and I thought to myself, ‘Pfft, I could do that with my eyes closed’,” said the man between gasps of air, and sweat pouring down his face.

But what sets this astounding accomplishment apart from the rest is that the man reportedly didn’t experience any uncomfortable after-effects from his extraordinary feast. He didn’t even need to break a sweat or quench his thirst with alcohol-infused milkshakes like most average people would.

As he savored the wrinkly, devilish red peppers, that measure between 1.5 million and 2.2 million Scoville heat units each, the man said he detected subtle hints of caramel, cinnamon, and dark chocolate. Of course, the fact that he was breathing fire made it hard to take his word on that.

Passers-by stopped to stare in amazement as the man calmly chomped down each pepper, as if they were only slightly more spicy than a sprig of parsley.

“I’m not impressed,” said one onlooker who identified herself as Jean. “I could eat that many jalepenos and not even raise an eyebrow.”

But despite the negative attitude of some bystanders, the man’s mother whom he texted right after the event was extremely proud of him.

“My boy has been eating hot peppers since he was in diapers,” said the beaming mother. “I’m just glad he’s not wasting his talent like his father did.”

The man’s accomplishment has yet to be confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records, but, let’s be honest, they’re probably too intimidated to even ask for his name.

Experts warn that while this man’s digestive system may have made it through unscathed, the average person should not attempt to recreate this challenge at home, or at a bar, or anywhere for that matter.

In conclusion, this man is clearly one in a billion and we can all learn from his fearless approach to life. Or we can just eat our cupcakes in peace, the choice is yours.

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