Fortune Smiles Upon Man Taking a Stroll In a stroke of sheer luck, a man in North Carolina became $100,000 richer by simply going for a casual walk during his work break

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Fortune Smiles Upon Man Taking a Stroll

In a stroke of sheer luck, a man in North Carolina became $100,000 richer by simply going for a casual walk during his work break. We all know that’s how winning the lottery works, right?

The man, who has chosen to remain anonymous, claimed his winnings earlier this week at the North Carolina Education Lottery Headquarters. Clad in a suit, looking almost dapper, he stood before the media and was praised for his unimaginable good fortune.

“It’s crazy, I never thought anything like this would happen to me,” he said, almost sounding sarcastic himself. “I just wanted to get out of the office for a bit and stretch my legs. And now look at me!”

The man had purchased a $20 “Platinum 7’s” scratch-off ticket on his way back to work. Normally, we all know that scratch-off tickets are simply a money sink, but this gentleman was clearly blessed by the lottery gods. As he scratched off the coating on his ticket in the privacy of his office, he realized he had won the incredible amount.

“I just sat there, staring at the ticket, thinking, ‘No way, this must be some kind of joke,'” he said. “But the more I looked at it, the more I realized it was real.”

When asked how he planned to use his newfound wealth, he simply shrugged and said, “Well, I haven’t really thought about it. I might pay off some bills or take a trip somewhere. Or maybe I’ll just buy a couple more scratch-off tickets and see if my luck holds up.”

Of course, winning the lottery is all about luck, and nothing else. There’s absolutely no such thing as planning or strategy, and anyone who says otherwise is simply trying to sell you something.

As for the rest of us poor schlubs who didn’t have the good fortune to stumble upon a winning lottery ticket while taking a walk, we’ll just have to keep working our day jobs and dreaming of that elusive jackpot. Maybe we should all just take a walk during our next break, right?

So here’s to the North Carolina man who proved that incredible luck can happen to anyone, at any time. May his winnings be put to good use, or at the very least, fuel his future scratch-off ticket purchases.

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