In a touching and emotionally charged moment, a family from Arizona has been reunited with their beloved dog after 12 years of separation

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In a touching and emotionally charged moment, a family from Arizona has been reunited with their beloved dog after 12 years of separation. The dog, named Lucky, was a part of the family when they were living in California, but had disappeared without a trace in 2009.

After over a decade of searching and prayers, the family had given up hope of ever finding their furry friend. That is, until they received a call from an animal shelter in Santa Ana, California, stating that they had found Lucky.

“Our hearts just about stopped beating when we heard the news. We never thought we would see him again,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

It is unclear where Lucky had been all these years, but he was found wandering the streets and taken to the shelter, where his chip was scanned, revealing his old home’s details. The family immediately drove down to the shelter to retrieve him, and it was a moment filled with tears, hugs and kisses.

“It’s like he never left us. He just picked up where he left off. We couldn’t be happier,” added the owner.

The reunion has been a cause for celebration, with the family throwing a party for Lucky and inviting friends and family to join in on the festivities. The party included Lucky’s favorite treats, games, and even a personalized “welcome home” banner.

This story is yet another reminder of the strong bond that exists between pets and their owners. It is heartwarming to see this family reunited with their furry friend. While Lucky’s whereabouts for all these years remain a mystery, it is clear that he has been taken care of by some kind-hearted individuals.

“It just goes to show you that miracles can happen. We never gave up hope, and now we have our dog back. It’s an incredible feeling,” said the owner.

However, some skeptics have raised concerns about the legitimacy of the story. Some have questioned why the chip was never detected before and are sceptical of how Lucky survived all these years without any human intervention. Others have even accused the family of staging the whole thing to gain publicity.

But let’s be honest, who wants to be the naysayer in a story about a missing dog returning home after 12 years? We should all just embrace this story for what it is – a heartwarming tale of love, hope and determination. And if it turns out to be a hoax, well at least we got to momentarily forget about all the other problems in the world and focus on something positive for a change.

As for Lucky, we wish him all the best as he settles back into his old home with his loving family. May he never have to wander the streets again.

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