Man arrested after finally running out of stolen modes of transportation In a bizarre turn of events, an armed robbery suspect who had been on the run for a week has finally been apprehended by authorities

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Man arrested after finally running out of stolen modes of transportation

In a bizarre turn of events, an armed robbery suspect who had been on the run for a week has finally been apprehended by authorities. The suspect, who has not been named by police, managed to evade capture by using a series of stolen vehicles and modes of transportation, until he was finally tracked down in a stolen kayak on a river in Vermont.

According to police reports, the suspect had initially fled the scene of the robbery in a stolen vehicle, which he then abandoned and set ablaze in a desperate attempt to cover his tracks. He then managed to steal a bicycle and pedal away, only to ditch the bike and continue on foot.

At this point, authorities were hot on his heels and had set up a perimeter around the area. However, the suspect managed to evade them again by stealing a sailboat and sailing away into the sunset.

It seemed as though the suspect had pulled off the ultimate heist, eluding the police at every turn. That is, until he was finally spotted by an eagle-eyed officer who had been patrolling the river in a police boat. The officer reportedly “couldn’t believe his eyes” when he saw the suspect paddling down the river in a stolen kayak.

“He must have thought he was some sort of James Bond villain,” said the officer, who wished to remain anonymous. “But in reality, he was just a common thief with a penchant for stealing things that float.”

The chase on the river was short-lived, as the suspect quickly realized he was no match for the police boats and surrendered without incident. He was taken into custody and is now facing a slew of charges, including armed robbery, theft, and possession of stolen property.

While the suspect’s ingenuity and resourcefulness are impressive, authorities are quick to point out that crime never pays.

“We’re glad we were finally able to catch this guy,” said a spokesperson for the Vermont police department. “It just goes to show that no matter how many stolen vehicles or modes of transportation you have at your disposal, you can’t outrun the long arm of the law.”

The suspect remains in custody, awaiting trial, and it is unclear at this time whether he has retained legal representation. However, given his talent for stealing things, it seems likely that he will be representing himself in court.

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