In a truly shocking turn of events, a raccoon has taken it upon themselves to chase a dog into a house

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In a truly shocking turn of events, a raccoon has taken it upon themselves to chase a dog into a house. That’s right, folks – instead of the age-old tale of dog chasing raccoon, this time the roles have reversed and the raccoon has become the aggressor.

According to eye-witnesses, the dog in question was simply minding its own business when the raccoon suddenly appeared out of nowhere and went straight for the poor pup. Who knows what prompted this sudden burst of aggression from the usually docile raccoon – perhaps the dog had the audacity to exist in its presence.

In a desperate attempt to escape the furry fury of the raccoon, the dog fled into a nearby house. Unfortunately, little did it know that this safe haven was to be its prison, as the raccoon quickly followed the dog inside and promptly got itself locked in the bathroom.

Clearly, this raccoon possesses an impressive talent for opening doors and will stop at nothing in its pursuit of power and domination. One can only wonder what it is plotting in that bathroom, as it waits for its inevitable rescue.

Onlookers were understandably shaken up by this bizarre series of events. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” commented one witness. “It was like watching a really odd game of cat and mouse, but with a raccoon and a dog instead.”

Animal control was called to the scene, but were hesitant to approach the bathroom door, fearing the wrath of the raccoon within. “We’re not sure what sort of weapons it might have in there,” stated an animal control officer. “We’ll need to approach with caution.”

As the hours ticked by and the raccoon remained trapped in the bathroom, tensions began to rise. “I’m pretty sure that raccoon is plotting something diabolical,” remarked one concerned neighbor. “Who knows what sort of devious scheme it’s concocting in there.”

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, animal control managed to successfully extract the raccoon from the bathroom. There were no reports of any injuries to either the dog or the raccoon during the ordeal.

The community is calling for swift action to be taken against this menacing raccoon, before it strikes again. However, it seems that the raccoon has managed to elude authorities and is still at large.

We urge all pet owners to be on high alert – the raccoon menace is very real, and it could strike at any time. Stay safe out there, folks.

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