Maine harbor was shocked to discover the triumphant return of a group of giant inflatable ducks

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Maine harbor was shocked to discover the triumphant return of a group of giant inflatable ducks. No one knows where these brightly colored birds came from or why they returned, but it seems like they’re here to stay… for now.

“This is just unbelievable, I mean who could have seen this coming?” said local resident, Bill. “I woke up this morning and saw these giant ducks out in the harbor, and I thought I was still dreaming. It’s like someone just decided to prank the entire town.”

The ducks were first spotted on Friday by a group of fishermen who were out early looking for their first catch of the day. One of them, Joe, said he thought at first that he had seen a giant kite or some kind of balloon floating in the harbor. But as he and his friends got closer, they realized that the giant objects were in fact inflatable ducks.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” said Joe. “I’ve never seen anything like it before. It was just so random and unexpected.”

The ducks have since become something of a sensation in the small coastal town, with locals coming out to take photos and admire them. Some have even suggested that the ducks could become a tourist attraction, bringing visitors from all over the world to see the giant inflatables.

Despite all the excitement, authorities are still trying to figure out who brought the ducks to the harbor and why. Some have speculated that it might be an elaborate prank, while others think it could be a marketing stunt for a local business.

“I don’t know what to think, to be honest,” said local police chief, Karen. “We’re still investigating the situation, but at the moment, we don’t have any leads.”

The mystery surrounding the ducks has only added to their popularity, with social media abuzz with photos of the giant inflatables and theories about their origins. Some have even suggested that they might be aliens trying to communicate with us in their own unique way.

Whatever the truth behind the ducks’ appearance, there’s no denying that they’ve brought a smile to the faces of many in the town. And who knows, maybe we’ll see more mysterious inflatable creatures popping up in unexpected places around the world. It’s a strange and wacky world out there, and sometimes, it’s nice to just sit back and enjoy a little bit of randomness.

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