Residents of a Missouri neighborhood were taken aback by the unusual sight of a ring-tailed lemur scampering down their streets

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Residents of a Missouri neighborhood were taken aback by the unusual sight of a ring-tailed lemur scampering down their streets. But before they could even get out their binoculars and animal crackers, the primate was already on the run from the long arm of the law.

Police officers gave chase to the loose lemur – because that’s what police do when they have nothing better to do – but the nimble creature proved to be quite the slippery little bugger. The pursuit lasted for several hours, leading police and other bewildered onlookers on a wild chase around backyards, climbing trees, and across rooftops. It was basically like a scene out of a National Geographic special, if the cameraman was drunk.

The lemur was eventually cornered and captured Clumsy Cop #1, but not before it put up a ferocious fight. The primate reportedly hurled feces and other unpleasantries at the pursuing officers, rightfully questioning why they didn’t have anything better to do than harass a defenseless animal who was just trying to live its life. But hey, when your police

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