Ignoring all common sense, a cyclist recently had an encounter with a herd of oncoming cows and lived to tell the tale

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Ignoring all common sense, a cyclist recently had an encounter with a herd of oncoming cows and lived to tell the tale. The brave cyclist, whose name we won’t mention for the sake of their dignity, was cycling through a rural area when they spotted the herd and decided to take on the challenge head-on.

As the cyclist came face to face with the herd of cows, one can only imagine the adrenaline that must have been coursing through their veins. The cows, on the other hand, seemed unimpressed by the cyclist’s display of bravado and continued on their path.

Eyewitnesses report that the cyclist attempted to “stare down” the cows, presumably in an effort to establish dominance. Unfortunately, cows are not the type of animal to be intimidated by a mere stare – especially not from a spandex-clad cyclist.

At this point, it became clear that the cyclist had bitten off more than they could chew. The cows started to move towards the cyclist, causing panic to set in. It’s said that the cyclist attempted to use their bike as a shield, but it proved to be no match for the bovine aggression.

Thankfully, the heroic cyclist managed to flee the scene with only minor injuries. In an interview after the ordeal, they expressed their frustration with the cows, questioning why they couldn’t just let the cyclist cycle in peace.

“I mean, it’s not like I was trying to hurt them or anything,” the cyclist said. “I just wanted to get past them and keep riding. But no, they had to come after me like that. It’s ridiculous.”

As for the cows, they’ve yet to issue a statement on the encounter. However, we can only imagine that they’re feeling pretty pleased with themselves – after all, they managed to fend off a fully-grown human with nothing but their own bovine instincts.

The lesson to be learned here is clear – never underestimate the power of a herd of cows. While it may seem like a good idea to take them on, it’s important to remember that they’re not just cute, docile creatures. In fact, they can be downright aggressive if they feel threatened or intimidated.

So, to all the cyclists out there – take note. If you come across a herd of cows in your travels, it’s probably best to give them a wide berth. And maybe invest in some cow repellent, just in case.

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