Unexpected guest goes along on family road trip In a bizarre turn of events, a North Carolina family was joined on their road trip by a surprise hitchhiker – a ball python

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Unexpected guest goes along on family road trip

In a bizarre turn of events, a North Carolina family was joined on their road trip by a surprise hitchhiker – a ball python.

The reptile apparently had been seeking an adventure and snuck into the front grille of the family’s vehicle before the road trip began. Unfortunately, the family did not notice their new companion until they had already journeyed a few miles down the road.

Thankfully, the family had no need to worry about the snake as they were informed by helpful bystanders that a slithery passenger had jumped on board – and it wasn’t a cash-paying customer for Uber!

In response, local law enforcement was called in to help the family remove the unwelcome addition to their trip. It took some time, but through an extensive effort, the police were able to safely retrieve the python from the grille.

“No animals were harmed in the retrieval process,” the officer on duty reassured the family. “The snake is now on its way to a new adventure – though we cannot say where or what that may be,” he added mysteriously.

The family also expressed relief at the outcome of the situation, making it clear that they were not reptile enthusiasts. “This is definitely not the kind of animal that we want to go on spontaneous adventures with,” one of the family members said. “We’re just happy he didn’t join us in the car,” another added.

The ball python is not a native species to North Carolina, and as such, there have been some calls for its capture and relocation to a safer place. But the python seems unfazed and undeterred by this… it just slithered away.

Whether this python was looking for a new home, a thrill ride, or simply caught up in the moment, one thing is clear: it was able to hitch a ride that will be remembered by all who witnessed it. The incident serves as a reminder that our roads and travels often contain unexpected surprises, so buckle up and expect the unexpected.

As for the ball python, he may have escaped with his life, but he left behind a trail of questions. Who knows where he’ll go from here? But one thing is certain – the North Carolina family will never forget the incredible journey they took with their unusual companion.

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