It’s a cheesy world we live in, folks

Estimated read time 3 min read

It’s a cheesy world we live in, folks. A city in Mexico has officially broken a Guinness World Record by crafting a ball of pulled quesillo cheese that weighed a whopping 1,230 pounds. Can you imagine how many cows had to sacrifice their mozzarella dreams for this feat?

The cheesy ball, which was prepared in the town of Oaxaca, was made with four types of milk: cow, goat, sheep, and buffalo. Talk about being inclusive. The town’s mayor, Jose Antonio Hernandez, stated that the purpose of the event was to promote the region’s dairy industry. Because what better way to promote healthy eating than by consuming a ball of cheese big enough to feed an entire city?

Apparently, the event was quite the spectacle. Dozens of people gathered around as several workers used shovels and pitchforks to pull the cheese until it formed a ball the size of a small elephant. You know, just a typical day in Mexico.

After the ball was officially weighed, the next logical step was to disperse it amongst the masses. The attendees were given tacos topped with the pulled quesillo cheese, which sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen. But hey, anything for the love of record-breaking, right?

As expected, the internet had a field day with this cheesy news. Twitter users couldn’t resist the opportunity to poke fun at the absurdity of it all. One user joked that they were glad the town “found a way to put their cheese on the map.” Another user wanted to know if it was too late to book a flight to Oaxaca to witness the magical moment of cheese history in person.

While we can all enjoy a good laugh about a giant ball of cheese, let’s not forget that world records don’t come easy. That cheese didn’t just magically form itself into a giant ball, people worked hard to make it happen. And by people, we mean cows. Lots and lots of cows.

In all seriousness, though, this event does bring attention to Mexico’s dairy industry. Cheese is a huge part of the country’s culinary culture, and events like these can only help promote it further. Of course, it helps that the event was kind of ridiculous and garnered tons of attention online, but hey, whatever works.

In conclusion, if you’re ever in Oaxaca and find yourself craving a taco topped with pulled quesillo cheese, just know that you could have potentially consumed a piece of history. And by history, we mean an absurdly large ball of cheese. But hey, we’re not complaining. Long live the cheese.

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