Recent News

“Miracle Pelican” Gives Zookeepers the Runaround at Beach In a heartwarming display of the resilience and determination of the animal kingdom, a pelican that escaped from a British zoo has managed to evade capture for nearly two weeks

Estimated read time 3 min read

“Miracle Pelican” Gives Zookeepers the Runaround at Beach In a heartwarming display of the resilience and determination of the animal kingdom, a pelican that escaped […]

Recent News

“Firefighters Save Deer from Self-Imposed Fashion Disaster” In what can only be described as a fashion faux pas, a deer in England managed to get itself into a sticky situation when its antlers became entangled in fencing tape

Estimated read time 3 min read

“Firefighters Save Deer from Self-Imposed Fashion Disaster” In what can only be described as a fashion faux pas, a deer in England managed to get […]