Georgia Man Makes History with His Staggering Collection of Batman Memorabilia Is there any limit to the level of adulation fans can bestow on their favorite superhero? Apparently not, as one avid Batman fan from Georgia has proven after amassing an extraordinary collection of over 8,000 pieces of memorabilia

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Georgia Man Makes History with His Staggering Collection of Batman Memorabilia

Is there any limit to the level of adulation fans can bestow on their favorite superhero? Apparently not, as one avid Batman fan from Georgia has proven after amassing an extraordinary collection of over 8,000 pieces of memorabilia.

Meet Batman fanatic John Thomson, the man behind the incredible collection who has secured his place in the record books thanks to his unrelenting pursuit of the Dark Knight. Thomson, who has been collecting memorabilia for the last 40 years, has now earned himself a prestigious Guinness World Record.

Yes, you read that right; a grown man has spent the better part of four decades accumulating Batman merchandise. And don’t even get us started on the number of action figures this guy must have!

Thomson’s collection includes everything from vintage comic books and old movie posters to limited edition toys, costumes and even a Batmobile or two (believe it or not). It’s almost like he thinks that all of this stuff is actually valuable or something. Seriously, who needs anything else but an over-abundance of Batman stuff?

According to our sources, the collection is stored in Thomson’s modest Georgia home. Surely his spouse and kids must be thrilled to have all that Batman merchandise taking over their living space. We wonder how much of Thomson’s social life is spent surrounded by his vast collection of Batman goodies.

But as impressive as his collection is, we can’t help but imagine that it’s somewhat overwhelming. How does one keep track of over 8,000 items? Do they all have captions or long filenames? And what about the amount of dust that must accumulate?

After hearing about this extensive collection, we can’t help but wonder if Thomson was the inspiration behind the fictional Joker’s brand of insanity around collecting, so beautifully portrayed in the movie Batman. One shudders to think that Thomson’s obsession with Batman may have been pushed beyond just fandom.

But anyway, congratulations to Thomson for his world-renowned collection of memorabilia. We hope that fans of other superheroes are not too envious of Batman’s favorite son in Georgia, who has shown the world what true passion and dedication are all about. We also hope that he continues to add to his collection for years to come and that he never, ever, decides to sell it, because that would be such a waste of time and money.

As for the rest of us, let’s all aspire to be like Thomson; to have a laser focus on something that truly drains our wallets for no good reason. So, if you have a desire to empty your bank account on something totally arbitrary and unnecessary, remember, there’s no better time to start than now.

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