Woman Is Not Only Crazy Enough to Skydive Once, but 1,000 Times In the “oh, that seems safe” story of the day, an 84-year-old woman in Colorado will soon be reaching her 600th skydiving adventure

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Woman Is Not Only Crazy Enough to Skydive Once, but 1,000 Times

In the “oh, that seems safe” story of the day, an 84-year-old woman in Colorado will soon be reaching her 600th skydiving adventure. It seems like just yesterday that she was a young, spry 80-year-old trying her hand at jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. But now, with the wisdom and experience of 600 completed jumps, the question on everyone’s mind is: “When will she stop?”

Apparently never, as this grandmother’s goal is to reach the lofty milestone of 1,000 skydives. Because hey, it’s not like there are a million other things to do with your time when you’re in your 80s.

The woman claims that she is addicted to the “thrill” of freefalling through the air at an incredibly high speed. And who can blame her? There’s nothing like the feeling of plummeting towards the earth at terminal velocity with nothing but a piece of fabric to save your life.

When asked what her family thinks of her dangerous hobby, the woman reportedly replied with a shrug, “They’re used to it by now.” Because nothing says “I love you” like putting your life in constant danger.

But the real question we all want answered is: what happens when her luck finally runs out? Surely, after 1,000 jumps, the odds must be pretty high that something will go wrong. Will she be content with retiring from her death-defying hobby, or will she continue on until her heart finally gives out mid-jump?

In all seriousness, it’s hard not to admire the woman’s fearlessness and adventurous spirit. But at the same time, it’s difficult not to question her sanity. After all, most people her age are content with playing bridge or knitting sweaters for their grandchildren, not hurtling towards the ground at breakneck speeds.

So here’s to you, skydiving grandma. May you continue to set goals and break records until the day you inevitably crash and burn. But let’s hope that day is a long way off, for the sake of your family and anyone who happens to be standing below you.

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