Throughout the course of human history, we’ve seen some pretty strange things fall from the sky – frogs, fish, even cash! But try as we might, we still can’t figure out why an ice chunk would decide to drop out of the stratosphere and pound a house in Massachusetts into oblivion

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Throughout the course of human history, we’ve seen some pretty strange things fall from the sky – frogs, fish, even cash! But try as we might, we still can’t figure out why an ice chunk would decide to drop out of the stratosphere and pound a house in Massachusetts into oblivion.

The incident occurred on Sunday afternoon, when the residents of the unlucky abode heard a thunderous crash come from above. At first, they thought it was just a particularly intense apple falling from a tree, but upon further inspection, they discovered that the frozen equivalent of a bowling ball had decided to make its unsuspecting roof the landing destination of choice.

The ice chunk measured roughly two feet by two feet, and hit the house with enough force to cause some serious damage to the roof. The homeowners were thankfully unharmed, but were understandably freaked out by the sudden appearance of ice from the heavens.

Authorities are currently scratching their heads trying to figure out where the ice came from. Some are speculating that it may have fallen from an airplane, while others think that a particularly crafty ice fairy may have decided to play a cruel prank on some unsuspecting New Englanders.

Whatever the case may be, it’s clear that something went very wrong up in the clouds. This is just the latest in a long line of bizarre incidents that remind us all that nature is anything but predictable.

In the meantime, residents of Massachusetts are being advised to watch their heads and keep an eye out for any rogue chunks of frozen precipitation. Who knows what else may be lurking in the skies above? Perhaps a herd of airborne cows willing to jump over the moon?

Until we get some answers, all we can do is hope that the next time something falls from the heavens, it won’t be quite so destructive.

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