North Dakota – An adorable little calf went for a leisurely run and ended up interrupting a group of golfers on a local course

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North Dakota – An adorable little calf went for a leisurely run and ended up interrupting a group of golfers on a local course. The calf must have gotten sick of munching on grass all day and decided to switch things up by trying out a new sport.

The calf, named Bessie, was first spotted by a group of golfers on hole number 4. Witnesses say that Bessie sprinted out of a nearby wooded area and made a bee-line straight for the green.

“We were all in shock,” said local golfer, Doug. “One minute we’re lining up our shots and the next thing we know, a calf comes charging towards us like a bull at the rodeo.”

Doug and his pals watched in amazement as Bessie made her way around the greens and fairways, dodging golf balls and sand traps like a seasoned pro. It was like watching Babe Ruth step up to the plate and smack a home run out of the park – but with a cow.

North Dakota is known for its harsh winters and flat landscapes, so it’s no surprise that Bessie took advantage of the beautiful weather and decided to stretch her legs. Who knows, maybe she could have been the next superstar athlete to come out of North Dakota. Move over Carson Wentz, there’s a new calf in town!

“I’ve been golfing for 20 years and I’ve never seen anything like it,” said another golfer, Dave. “That little calf had more game than half of our group combined.”

As Bessie made her way through the course, golfers followed close behind, making sure to snap pictures and record videos to document the epic journey. Some even offered to give the calf a ride back to her pasture, but Bessie was having too much fun living out her PGA dreams.

“I think we just witnessed a golfing legend in the making,” said Dave. “Move over Tiger Woods, here comes Bessie!”

Eventually, Bessie’s adventure had to come to an end. Luckily, a local farmer was able to wrangle her back into her pasture with some fresh hay and a stern talking-to. But for a brief moment, the calf lived out her sporting dreams and captured the hearts of every golfer on the course.

“This is the most excitement we’ve had on this golf course in years,” said golfer Doug. “I don’t think I’ve ever had that much fun playing 18 holes.”

And with that, Bessie returned to her life as a regular, run-of-the-mill cow. But for one glorious day, she was a champion golfer, an inspiration to us all.

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