In a bizarre incident that has left locals scratching their heads in disbelief, a power outage in New Jersey was caused by an unlikely culprit: a falling fish

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In a bizarre incident that has left locals scratching their heads in disbelief, a power outage in New Jersey was caused by an unlikely culprit: a falling fish.

The fish in question, which has yet to be identified, apparently fell from the sky and landed on a power line, causing it to snap and knock out electricity to a large area of the state.

Some residents have been quick to suggest that this is no accident, and that there may be a larger conspiracy at play. One man, who wished to remain anonymous, told reporters that he believes the fish was deliberately planted to cause chaos.

“It’s no coincidence that this happened just as the town was voting on a controversial new fishing law,” he said. “It’s clear that someone wanted to sabotage the vote and cause confusion.”

Others have been less quick to jump to conclusions, arguing that the fish may have simply been caught up in a gust of wind and carried into the line.

“Look, stranger things have happened,” said one local resident. “I once saw a tornado pick up a cow and drop it in a swimming pool. So a fish falling from the sky? Eh, could happen.”

Despite the odd circumstances, authorities have been quick to assure the public that there is no cause for alarm. Power has been restored to the affected areas, and experts are working to determine exactly what caused the outage.

“We’re investigating all possibilities,” said a spokesperson for the local utility company. “It’s possible that this was just a freak accident, but we’re not ruling anything out at this point.”

The incident has caused a stir on social media, with many users taking to Twitter to share their thoughts and theories.

“Looks like we’re going to need to add ‘falling fish’ to the list of possible outage causes,” joked one user.

“Can we get an explanation for this, or are we just supposed to accept that fish fly now?” tweeted another.

As of now, there is no indication that this incident will have any long-term impact on the area or its residents. But for now, the mystery of the falling fish remains unsolved.

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