BIRD’S FISH CAUSES BLACKOUT IN NEW JERSEY TOWN A power outage hit a New Jersey town, causing confusion and frustration among the locals

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A power outage hit a New Jersey town, causing confusion and frustration among the locals. But hold up, this wasn’t your typical blackout caused by a natural disaster or technical malfunction – it was a fish! Yes, you read that right. A fish, dropped by a bird of prey, knocked out power to a large section of the town for several hours.

According to utility officials, a bird flew into a power line while carrying a fish in its talons. The unlucky fish made contact with the line and caused the blackout. The officials did not specify what species of bird or fish were involved in the incident, but we can only assume it was some sort of kamikaze pelican trying to take out the grid.

Local residents were shocked by the news. “I’ve heard of a bird causing a power outage before, but never because it was carrying a fish!” said one bewildered resident. Another added, “That’s just plain absurd. Who knew fish had such power?”

The outage lasted for several hours, leaving many in the dark without air conditioning on a sweltering summer day. The local utility company quickly mobilized crews to fix the issue, but progress was slow-going due to the absurdity of the situation. “It’s not every day you have to deal with a fish-induced blackout,” said one utility worker.

Meanwhile, over in the bird community, there was quite the buzz over what some were calling the “great fish drop of ’21.” The daring bird behind the incident was hailed as a hero among his feathered friends. Rumors were swirling that the bird had been aiming for a particularly pesky school of fish that had been taunting him all week, but missed his mark and caused the blackout instead. Understandably, the bird has declined to comment.

As for the fish, sources close to the situation say it did not fare well and was pronounced dead on the scene. The fish’s family has requested privacy during this difficult time but did release a statement thanking the bird for its “service to the ecosystem.”

Despite the strange circumstances, the power has since been restored and life in the town has returned to normal. But one thing is for sure – this event will go down in New Jersey history as one of the most bizarre power outages of all time. Who knew a simple fish could have such a profound effect on the world around us?

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