Key West, Florida – Ernest Hemingway may have left us a long time ago, but his legacy lives on in the annual Hemingway Look-Alike Contest that took place this past weekend in Key West

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Key West, Florida – Ernest Hemingway may have left us a long time ago, but his legacy lives on in the annual Hemingway Look-Alike Contest that took place this past weekend in Key West. And the winner of this year’s contest couldn’t be more fitting – a cheesehead from Wisconsin who was also celebrating his 68th birthday.

The contest, which began in 1981, draws in dozens of men who compete to see who can best resemble the legendary writer and adventurer. These men, most of whom have never read a single word of Hemingway’s works, come from all over the world just to participate in this prestigious event.

This year’s winner, Tom Heinrich, certainly fit the part. With his bushy white beard, rugged good looks, and a beer belly to rival Hemingway’s own, Heinrich was a shoo-in for the title.

When asked about his win, Heinrich responded in true Hemingway fashion, “Well, ya know, I just live life to the fullest and don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks.” Despite some confusion about what the quote meant, it was clear that Heinrich was channeling Hemingway in the best way possible.

However, not everyone was thrilled with this year’s winner. Local Key West residents expressed their outrage over the fact that a Wisconsinite had won the contest over someone from their beloved town.

“This is an outrage!” proclaimed Lucy Carmichael, a longtime resident. “How could someone from Wisconsin win when we have so many talented Hemingway look-alikes right here in Key West?”

Others, who were actually fans of Hemingway’s writing, were equally unimpressed. “Look at these guys,” muttered a disgusted fan. “They’ve never even read a book. They’re just here for the free drinks and to pretend they’re something they’re not.”

Despite the mixed reception, the contest’s organizers were nothing but pleased with this year’s turnout. “We’re thrilled with the number of contestants we had this year,” said contest director, Karen Crossan. “It just goes to show that Hemingway’s legacy is still popular and relevant, even in today’s world.”

As for Heinrich, he couldn’t be more excited about his win. “I’ve been coming to this contest for years and finally taking home the title is a dream come true,” he said. “I just wish ol’ Ernie could’ve been here to see it.”

Overall, this year’s Hemingway Look-Alike Contest was a roaring success, with plenty of booze, beards, and ballyhoo to go around. No doubt Hemingway himself would be proud to see that his legend lives on, even if it is in the form of a slightly overweight Wisconsinite.

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