Idaho Man Proves That Juggling for 13 Hours is No Joke When it comes to ridiculous world records, there’s always someone who’s willing to push the boundaries of what’s humanly possible

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Idaho Man Proves That Juggling for 13 Hours is No Joke

When it comes to ridiculous world records, there’s always someone who’s willing to push the boundaries of what’s humanly possible. This time, it’s an Idaho man who apparently has nothing better to do with his time than to juggle balls, pins, and whatever else he can get his hands on for hours on end.

This particular juggling enthusiast has managed to rack up over 250 Guinness World Records titles over the years, but apparently, that’s still not enough for him. His latest feat? Juggling for over 13 hours straight, because why not?

According to our sources, this Idaho man, who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent, started his attempt at 5 am and didn’t stop until 6 pm. That’s right, folks. He spent more time juggling than most people spend at work in a day. And for what? To prove that he’s the best darn juggler in the world? To gain the envy of his peers? Or maybe just to kill time during a pandemic?

Whatever his motivation, there’s no denying that this 13-hour juggling marathon was no easy feat. We can only imagine the physical and mental toll it must have taken on him. We mean, sure, juggling a few balls is easy enough. But doing it for more than half a day straight? That takes some serious dedication.

Of course, there were some skeptics who doubted this Idaho man’s ability to go the distance. But he proved them wrong, defying the odds and smashing yet another record (yawn). Perhaps he has a future career as a circus performer or a carnival sideshow attraction.

So, what’s next for this juggling icon? Will he attempt to juggle while blindfolded? While standing on one leg? While hanging from a trapeze? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure, this Idaho man has proven that when it comes to wasting time in spectacular fashion, he’s the king.

In conclusion, we can all rest easy knowing that there are people out there who are willing to go to extreme lengths to accomplish absolutely nothing. Because if there’s anything the world needs right now, it’s more pointless records and mind-boggling displays of human endurance. Hip hip, hooray.

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