The Westboro Baptist Church, the infamous group known for its heinous acts of intolerance and picketing funerals, is at it again. This time, members are claiming that Hawaii will be “utterly destroyed” this Sunday, but don’t worry, they’re not being sarcastic at all.
According to the group’s website, they believe that Hawaii is deserving of destruction because of its “sodomy and tourism” industries. Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently, the sunny beaches and beautiful landscapes of Hawaii pose too much of a threat to the Westboro Baptist Church’s rigid belief system.
“It is our sincere belief that God will punish Hawaii for its wickedness and sinfulness,” said a spokesperson for the Church. “We’ve seen the signs, we’ve read the tea leaves, and we know that destruction is imminent.”
Of course, the group has made similar proclamations in the past, and none of them have come to fruition. In fact, it seems that the only thing the Westboro Baptist Church is capable of destroying is their own reputation.
In case you’re unfamiliar with the group, the Westboro Baptist Church is widely regarded as one of the most hate-filled organizations in the United States. They made headlines a few years ago for picketing the funerals of American soldiers, claiming that their deaths were punishment for America’s acceptance of homosexuality.
But this time, they’ve set their sights on a whole state. It’s unclear exactly how the Westboro Baptist Church intends to destroy Hawaii, but some have speculated that they plan to fly there and start picketing at the beaches. Others have posited that they might stage a rally on one of the islands.
Whatever the case may be, it’s safe to say that this newest threat from the Westboro Baptist Church is as empty and ridiculous as all the others. How a group of people who claim to worship a loving God can have so much hatred in their hearts is beyond comprehension.
In response to the Westboro Baptist Church’s claims, Hawaii officials have released a statement urging residents and visitors to remain calm and carry on as usual. They’ve also sent a message to the Church, saying that they’re more than welcome to come and visit Hawaii, but only if they leave their intolerance and hate at home.
It’s unlikely that the Westboro Baptist Church will heed this message, though. After all, they seem to thrive on the attention and controversy that they create. But one thing’s for sure: Hawaii will still be standing come Monday morning, and the Westboro Baptist Church will still be a stain on humanity’s history.
In conclusion, the Westboro Baptist Church’s claims about Hawaii’s destruction are about as legitimate as their claims that God hates people. It’s time for this group to realize that their actions are causing more harm than good, and that hate has no place in the world.