Salt Lake City, UT – In a stunning display of acrobatics, a raccoon made an unexpected appearance at a recent soccer game when it crashed through the ceiling of the press box at Rio Tinto Stadium

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Salt Lake City, UT – In a stunning display of acrobatics, a raccoon made an unexpected appearance at a recent soccer game when it crashed through the ceiling of the press box at Rio Tinto Stadium. While some fans were startled by the uninvited guest, others couldn’t help but laugh as the raccoon scampered around the box, looking for a way out.

“This is something you don’t see every day,” said one fan, who happily recorded the event on her phone. “I mean, I’ve seen my fair share of squirrels and pigeons at games, but a raccoon? That’s a first!”

The raccoon, clearly unimpressed by all the attention, continued to climb over chairs and nibble on half-eaten hot dogs left behind by journalists who had quickly evacuated the scene. A few brave souls attempted to catch the critter with hands and nets, but to no avail.

“I was so close to catching him,” said one announcer who had risked life and limb to grab the raccoon by the tail. “But he managed to slip away. I guess he’s just too fast for us humans!”

Despite the disruption, both teams played on, with the raccoon occasionally cheering them on with a cheeky squeak or two. Referees, however, were less amused by the furry intruder, who caused a brief pause in the game while security tried to catch him.

“We take safety seriously here at Rio Tinto Stadium,” said a staff member, who wished to remain anonymous. “And a wild animal running around the press box during a game just doesn’t cut it. We had to make sure everyone was safe before we could continue.”

Eventually, after nearly 20 minutes of mayhem, the raccoon was caught in a humane trap by animal control officers, who were called to the scene. However, the raccoon seemed to take the capture in stride, as he was escorted out of the stadium in a little animal crate, munching on a cookie and waving goodbye to fans.

So, if you’re planning on attending the next soccer game at Rio Tinto Stadium, make sure to pack some extra snacks for any unexpected guests that may drop in, because who knows what furry critter may decide to join in on the fun next time!

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