Iraqi Airline Sincerely Believes Bear Just Wanted a Quick Getaway Dubai – In a bizarre incident, a bear was found wandering the streets near Dubai International Airport yesterday

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Iraqi Airline Sincerely Believes Bear Just Wanted a Quick Getaway

Dubai – In a bizarre incident, a bear was found wandering the streets near Dubai International Airport yesterday. Authorities have been scratching their heads to figure out how the furry beast made its way out of the cargo hold of an Iraqi airliner, which had landed at the airport earlier that day. However, the airline, in a statement released to the press, has firmly denied any responsibility for the bear’s escape.

The statement read, “We at Iraqi Airline understand the gravity of the situation and are working closely with the authorities to get to the bottom of this. However, we must clarify that we cannot be held accountable for the actions of a bear. It is highly possible that the animal, after being confined in a crate for hours, simply wanted a change of scenery and thought a quick getaway would do the trick.”

The rhetoric surrounding the incident is dripping with irony as the airline spokesperson continued to explain the company’s point of view. “We pride ourselves on our highly professional and skilled staff, who take pride in ensuring the safe transport of cargo, including live animals, across international borders. That being said, a bear is not exactly a predictable animal, and we are not responsible for the significant damage it has caused. In fact, we’re quite sure that whoever is responsible for the bear now surely has a lot of explaining to do.”

As for the bear, it appears to be in good health, and Dubai Municipality has taken it into their care. The authorities have been quick to praise their actions and the surprise addition to Dubai’s wildlife population, emphasising that the bear came to them for assistance and that the welfare of animals is a top priority.

However, the public reaction has been swift and scathing. Many people have taken to social media, calling for boycotts of the Iraqi Airline and asking for a more thorough investigation into the incident. “This is unbelievable! How can a bear just ‘escape’ like that? The airline must be held accountable!” exclaimed one Twitter user.

Meanwhile, experts are still scratching their heads as to how the bear managed to escape its crate. One theory suggests that the crate may have been faulty, while others speculate that the bear was an escape artist who found a weakness to exploit.

Whatever the case, this incident is a clear reminder that animals deserve the same protection and respect as human beings. And, perhaps, that Iraqi Airline should consider investing in stronger cargo crates if they want to maintain their reputation in the industry.

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