In a heartwarming tale of survival, a struggling owl was fished out of a New York pool earlier this week

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In a heartwarming tale of survival, a struggling owl was fished out of a New York pool earlier this week. The owl, which had apparently taken a dip, was not injured in the incident, but was said to be a little shaken up.

According to witnesses, the owl was first spotted floating on its back in the pool, leading many to believe it was simply enjoying some afternoon relaxation. However, as the bird failed to swim to shore, a concerned pool-goer dove in to investigate.

Thankfully, the pool-goer was able to quickly fish the owl out of the water and bring it to shore. It was at this point that animal control was called to assess the bird’s condition.

In a public statement, animal control officials praised the rescuer for their quick thinking and bravery. “It takes a lot of courage to jump into a pool and rescue an owl,” they said. “We’re just glad to see that the bird is okay and wasn’t hurt in the incident.”

Despite the happy outcome, many locals are now questioning how the owl ended up in the pool in the first place. Some speculate that the bird was pushed in by a mischievous local teenager, while others suggest that the owl may have simply been trying to escape the scorching summer heat.

Whatever the reason, it seems that the owl is now safe and sound, and is currently recovering at a local animal sanctuary. There, it will be given the care and attention it needs to fully recuperate from its harrowing ordeal.

In the meantime, officials are reminding locals to be mindful of wildlife in the area, and to always report any sightings of injured or distressed animals to the appropriate authorities. After all, as this story shows, you never know when you might have the opportunity to be a hero and save a life.

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