Furry little creatures are popping up all over the place in a Florida neighborhood, wreaking havoc and multiplying like, well, rabbits

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Furry little creatures are popping up all over the place in a Florida neighborhood, wreaking havoc and multiplying like, well, rabbits. It seems that a bunny breeder, who shall remain nameless, thought it would be a fantastic idea to let her bouncy little friends hop free into the wide, wonderful world.

What could possibly go wrong with that?

Residents of the neighborhood are, understandably, not too thrilled with their new cuddly neighbors. The rabbits are everywhere — in yards, gardens, streets and even on doorsteps. Some are even making themselves quite comfortable on the front porch furniture of some of the residents!

Not only are the rabbits invading personal space, they’re also munching away on precious vegetation and causing quite a nuisance. One angry pet owner complained of finding a rabbit happily eating her expensive designer shoes as if they were carrots.

So far, the breeder has yet to take accountability for her actions. Maybe she’s counting on the rabbits to magically find their own way back into their cages. Or maybe she’s just more interested in staying in her own little world, surrounded by a bunny farm that only she knows how to manage. Either way, the neighborhood residents are left to deal with the consequences of her irresponsible decision, and they’re hopping mad about it.

One local green activist group did suggest an amnesty program. Hoping that the rabbits can be adopted into new homes, instead of just being “disposed of”. But there are concerns that this amnesty program could lead to further issues. Referring to it as a “Furry problem,” the leader of the group Ms. Carrots suggested that this revolt of the rabbits may lead to owners of other furry domestic animals taking a cue from this incident. Ms. Carrots seemed quite optimistic of a new pet trend, which she dubs “Rabbiting”.

The Easter Bunny could not be reached for comment on this matter, as he was reportedly hopping mad that he couldn’t find any of his colleagues during an Egg-hiding practice run.

But in all seriousness, it is important for pet owners to be responsible and take care of their animals. Letting cats and dogs roam free can already have disastrous consequences, but letting hundreds of rabbits loose just shows a complete lack of consideration for both the animals and the people who will have to deal with them.

Hopefully, there’s a plan in place to capture these little critters and relocate them to a more appropriate location, where they can continue to breed and hop their little hearts out. And maybe, just maybe, the breeder will learn a valuable lesson about animal welfare and responsibility. But let’s not hold our breath.

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