Experts in the field of paleontology are scratching their heads after the discovery of a fossil in China that suggests early mammals may have been hardcore carnivores, even to the point of hunting down dinosaurs for their dinner

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Experts in the field of paleontology are scratching their heads after the discovery of a fossil in China that suggests early mammals may have been hardcore carnivores, even to the point of hunting down dinosaurs for their dinner.

The fossil, which was discovered by a team of Chinese scientists, shows a small badger-like creature merrily munching away on a dinosaur that, if it were human, would have been asking, “Do you come here often?” The two skeletons are intertwined in a way that seems almost affectionate, leading some experts to believe that these two species may have had a romantic relationship.

The discovery has been causing quite a stir in the paleontology community. Many experts believe that early mammals were herbivores and wouldn’t have sought out a meal as dangerous as a dinosaur. However, this latest discovery suggests that some of these early critters may have had a taste for meat – and we’re not talking about a nice juicy steak here.

The Chinese team who made the discovery say they were shocked to find the little critter chomping on a dinosaur. One scientist was heard to remark, “I’m not sure what’s more shocking – the fact that this little guy was eating a dinosaur, or the fact that he’s wearing shoes!”

While some experts believe that this fossil proves conclusively that some early mammals were carnivores, others are still skeptical. One expert told us, “I’m not saying that there weren’t early mammals that ate meat, but to suggest that they hunted down dinosaurs for their dinner seems a little far-fetched. I mean, if a badger-like creature can take down a dinosaur, why haven’t we seen any badger-like creatures around lately?”

Despite the skepticism, this latest discovery is sure to change the way we look at early mammals. No longer will they be seen as cute and cuddly creatures that ate nothing but leaves and berries. Now we know that some of them were just as vicious and bloodthirsty as the dinosaurs they hunted.

What does this mean for us, the humans, you ask? Well, for starters, it means we now have an excuse to keep a pet dinosaur – something many of us have been dreaming about since we were little kids. It also means we may have to start worrying about those little critters that run around our backyards – who knows what they’re capable of?

In conclusion, this latest discovery is sure to shake up the world of paleontology. While some are still skeptical, we can’t deny that the fossil shows a badger-like creature chomping down on a beaked dinosaur. Whether or not this means that early mammals were carnivores remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure – we’ll never look at a cute furry animal in the same way again.

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