Headline: What’s a Little Venom Between Friends? Snake Wrecks Sri Lankan Cricket Game In what is sure to be the weirdest sports interruption of the year, a snake decided to drop in on a cricket match in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Headline: What’s a Little Venom Between Friends? Snake Wrecks Sri Lankan Cricket Game

In what is sure to be the weirdest sports interruption of the year, a snake decided to drop in on a cricket match in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The game between the Colombo Port Authority and the Finance Ministry cricket teams was halted entirely while players and officials alike tried to figure out what to do about the uninvited reptile.

According to eyewitness accounts, the snake- a common cobra, no less- reportedly slithered onto the field in the middle of a Colombo Port Authority batting streak. The batsman was apparently so startled that he accidentally hit a wide pitch into the nearby grasslands- almost, quite literally, into the lap of the hissing serpent.

Players and officials were appropriately shocked by the appearance of the poisonous predator, which is known for its deadly venom which can cause muscle paralysis, uncontrollable bleeding, and even death in humans. Nevertheless, the game was paused while the massive reptile made its way around the field, potentially in search of a place to cool down.

Eventually, game officials and government wildlife authorities were able to advise the cricket teams to retreat until a team of professional snake catchers could arrive on the scene. While the snake failed to nab any of the players, it did manage to add an entirely unexpected and very dangerous level of excitement to the game.

As the tense minutes ticked by, the still-unidentified snake seemed more and more at home on the cricket pitch. Players passively stood by as the slithering serpent snaked its way around the bases and seemed to make a beeline for the stands- much to the horror of the audience who promptly cleared out.

In the end, it took a group of determined wildlife officials- armed with long sticks, special tools, and a lot of courage- to finally corral the deadly reptile. After chasing the snake around the field and finally getting hold of it, the experts safely captured the cobra before it could cause any real harm.

Naturally, no one could quite believe what had just happened. “We only really expected to see cricket players and maybe a few beetles out here,” remarked one amazed spectator nearby. “But a venomous cobra? That’s a whole new level of excitement!”

Despite the surreal and somewhat alarming event, cricket officially resumed after the snake’s hasty removal. Players reportedly returned to their competitive spirits, though it is unknown whether any of them will be calling in sick for their upcoming game against the Finance Ministry team.

Overall, a great day was had by all- at least, once the cobra bid farewell and players could get back to their regularly scheduled sports. If anything, the surprise snake visit just shows us that sometimes, life really can be a bit poisonous.

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