Residents of a sleepy California town were left in shock last night after a herd of escaped goats wreaked havoc on their quiet streets

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Residents of a sleepy California town were left in shock last night after a herd of escaped goats wreaked havoc on their quiet streets.

The chaos started at around 8pm, when local farmer Bill Johnson’s goats broke out of their paddock and charged through a fence onto Main Street. Within minutes, the herd had scattered across the neighborhood, leaving bewildered locals unsure of what to do.

“I was just sitting on my porch enjoying the evening breeze when I saw them coming,” said retired schoolteacher Betty Jenkins. “It was like something out of a horror movie.”

The goats, which numbered in the dozens, quickly began grazing on lawns and flower beds, trampling gardens underfoot and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Several neighbors attempted to corral the animals, but were unsuccessful in their efforts.

“They were just too fast,” said 32-year-old resident Aaron Smith. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Even the local animal control officer was taken aback by the brazen behavior of the goats, which were reportedly unresponsive to his attempts at capture.

“I’ve dealt with some pretty wild animals in my time, but these goats were something else,” said Officer Jones. “It was like they were on a mission to destroy everything in their path.”

In the end, it took several hours and the joint efforts of local law enforcement, animal control, and Johnson himself to finally bring the rampage to a close. The goats were eventually corralled and returned to their rightful home, but not before leaving a significant amount of property damage in their wake.

“We’re lucky nobody was hurt, but there’s no denying these goats caused a lot of mayhem,” said Police Chief Dan Johnson. “We’re just glad the situation was resolved without any major incidents.”

Meanwhile, residents of the town are still reeling from the chaotic events of last night, with some saying they may never feel safe again.

“I’ve lived here my whole life, but I don’t know if I can handle something like this again,” said longtime resident Emma Brown. “It’s just too much.”

Only time will tell whether peace will be restored to this once-quiet corner of California. But for now, one thing is for certain: nobody will be forgetting the great goat invasion of 2021 anytime soon.

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