Philadelphia, PA – In a bizarre turn of events, a fluffy and cuddly raccoon was found lounging on a baggage belt at Philadelphia International Airport on Tuesday

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Philadelphia, PA – In a bizarre turn of events, a fluffy and cuddly raccoon was found lounging on a baggage belt at Philadelphia International Airport on Tuesday. Officials are still trying to figure out how the little guy managed to get there without a boarding pass.

The raccoon, who has been dubbed “Baggage Bandit” by airport staff, was first spotted casually taking a nap among the suitcases and duffel bags on the carousel around 7:30 pm. Passengers initially thought it was a stuffed toy, but quickly realized it was the real deal when they saw it scurrying away on all fours.

“I couldn’t believe it,” said John Johnson, a passenger waiting for his luggage. “I thought maybe I was hallucinating from jet lag, but when I saw that thing moving around, I knew it was a raccoon.”

Airport security immediately sprang into action, alerting animal control to come and capture the cute intruder. Despite being surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the busy airport, the raccoon remained remarkably calm and seemed unfazed by all the attention.

“We’re not quite sure how he got in there,” said airport spokesperson, Laura Ward. “We’re assuming he squeezed his way through a gap somewhere, but we haven’t found the point of entry yet.”

As officials search for answers, the raccoon is being treated to a mini-vacation in the city of Brotherly Love, courtesy of the city’s animal control center. But despite all the attention and pampering, it seems the raccoon is determined to remain a rebel.

“The raccoon is doing well and has been a bit feisty,” said Ward. “He seems to be quite content with his new surroundings and is enjoying the free meals.”

Meanwhile, airlines are urging passengers to be vigilant and keep any eyes out for any stowaway raccoons. While it’s not unusual to see a few furry creatures scurrying around airports, it’s rare to have one make such a bold entrance.

“We’re not sure if this is the start of a new trend,” said Ward. “We certainly hope not because dealing with animals is not part of our job description.”

As for the baggage bandit, it seems he’s already winning hearts and minds with his adorable antics. His newfound fame has led to a surge of interest in raccoon-themed merchandise, including plush toys and t-shirts.

Whether he’ll ever make it onto the big screen or sign a book deal remains to be seen, but for now, the raccoon is simply happy to be along for the ride.

In conclusion, let this be a reminder to all travelers to keep their eyes peeled for any unexpected surprises on their baggage claim carousel because you never know what furry friend might be waiting for you among the luggage.

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