Local law enforcement in the state of Massachusetts were recently involved in what they thought was a case of loose boa constrictor

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Local law enforcement in the state of Massachusetts were recently involved in what they thought was a case of loose boa constrictor. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a large, slithering creature resembling a snake- but that was where the similarities seem to end.

Massachusetts police were quick to respond to the reports and even went on a wild goose chase in search of the alleged escaped serpent. However, after surveying the area for hours, the police eventually announced that there had been a gross misunderstanding.

“We’ve determined that it was merely a large garden hose,” said the police spokesperson in baffled tones. “One of the residents had left it out to dry and it had fallen awkwardly across the lawn. When the wind picked up, it began to coil and thrash around, which made some folks think they were seeing a snake or something.”

The spokesperson went on to admit that the giant snake scare had caused a considerable amount of panic in the area, and assured residents that the police would work on debunking such rumors in the future.

Despite the police’s best efforts, rumors continue to swirl about what really happened behind closed doors at the incident site.

“There’s no way in heck that was a snake,” said resident and self-proclaimed snake expert Mike Johnson. “I know what I saw, and it definitely wasn’t a garden hose. This was a monster snake, with the ability to strike at any moment.”

Other conspiracy theorists have even speculated that the misunderstanding was a deliberate ploy by local officials to distract residents from some of the more pressing issues in the area, such as rising gas prices and the state of the public school system.

No matter what the truth may be, one thing is clear: the citizens of Massachusetts are on high alert, as we never know when something may come slithering through their neighborhoods.

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